With the amazing support from Lendlease, we're hosting a street picnic taster sessions for rowing, kayak and SUP on the Olympic park. So join us for the Big Lunch to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee.
So bring your friends and family, have a splash around and try your hand at a paddle sport! It’s first come first served, so get there early,
Our awesome coaches will teach you the basics and keep you safe. But bring a change of clothes as you might get wet!
4th June, 10am to 3pm.
Meet us by Thornton Bridge: https://what3words.com/vibes.clever.sweat On the river in front of the last drop café.
If you have any special requirements please email us at events@londonyouthrowing.com
Charity Number: 1122941. Company Number: 06243293. Royal Docks Adventure, 1012 Dockside Road, London, E16 2QT.
Tel: 0203 356 7178